The phased regeneration of Loughborough Park has transformed this Brixton estate into a modern and exciting location made up of 487 new homes with sustainability at the centre of the design proposals.

ClientGuinness and Countryside Properties
Number of Homes 487
Tenure Mix 70% affordable and intermediate, 30% shared ownership
Other Uses 300 sqm community
Completiton Date 2018
Planning Approved 2011

As part of the design philosophy BPTW  produced a design code to support the planning applications for the development. This sets out the principals of the shape, form and materials to define the character of the new estate. At Loughborough Park both buildings and landscaping are configured to reduce energy consumption and maximise natural light whilst improving local wildlife and ecology. A controlled palette of materials is used throughout the scheme to achieve individual block character and attractive architectural modulation.

A sense of openness is achieved through generously glazed entrances and stair cores, and a mix of buff and red brick with other cladding materials help to emphasise entrances. At the heart of the development a community centre and play space offers activities and events for all residents.