17 - 05 - 2024

Our residential scheme of 24 high-quality homes in South Croydon for Cambria Property Investments, Brighton Road, received resolution to grant planning permission at committee last night.

BPTW has designed a 3-4 storey building to provide much needed homes on an underutilised site of a vacant car dealership. The scheme includes 24 homes, 15% of which are affordable, alongside associated landscaping and public realm improvements.

The height of the building has been carefully considered to minimise daylight sunlight impacts on the adjacent houses and the building materials and characters respond to the surrounding Victorian context. The energy efficient building fabric includes well-insulated walls and highly efficient glazing, as well as Air Source Heat Pumps and solar PVs. These sustainable features will see the development achieve a 69.12% improvement over the building regulation baseline which meets the London plan target for on-site carbon savings.

To overcome potential flooding risks, we undertook detailed engagement with the drainage consultant, planning officer and the Environment Agency. Active and greened frontages will improve the streetscape and public realm and provide increased sustainable drainage and soft landscaping across the site. The car-free nature of the scheme will introduce an attractive courtyard and new stretches of public pavement, as well as new landscaping at the boundary to enhance the pedestrian environment for the predominantly residential area.

We look forward to seeing the project come to realisation in the near future.